Obama leads the facebook polls
A little politics makes this way in this blog, for once. All the important figures of the American presidential elections all have profiles on the dozen most important social networking sites. Looking at facebook in particular, it was interesting to notice that Barack Obama is way up in number of supporters: a staggering 830000 people have chosen facebook to express their support to the democrat candidate. Second in line is Hilary Clinton with 156000 and followed closely by the Republican candidate John McCain, third, with 126000 supporters. If only facebook were an accurate reflection of people's vote intentions, it would look as if the US have already found their new president. If only...
On a lighter note, I am proud to announce that George W Bush's profile on facebook has 10779 supporters, fewer than Schwarzeneger, Edwards, London's new mayor Boris Johnson and even Giuliani. President Sarkozy is on Bush's heels with 10287... How did they ever manage to find that many supporters? :)